Ink ExplorationsplaySeptember 7, 2018/By adminTools: Paper and 003 Pigma Micron Tools: Paper and 003 Pigma Micron Tools: Paper and 005 Pigma...|Read More..
Patterns Around Us – Part 1playMarch 17, 2018/By adminMATLAB - MATHEMATICAL EQUATION IMAGINED IN 3D REAL WORLD SPACE UNSEEN YET IMAGINED WOOD / EM WAVES OLD DIRTY WINDOW MESH STACKED WIRE MESH Look closely Nature and things made by man is built up beautifully in...|Read More..
Mushrooms and MossesplayDecember 10, 2017/By adminPattern Illustration Ink on Paper Pigma Micron 005 Get this ArtPrint...|Read More..
Alone and BloomingplaySeptember 8, 2017/By adminWork in Progress | 1 Work in Progress | 2 Alone and Blooming Ink - Stippling and Hatching A5 Sakura Pigma Micron 005 Sakura Pigma Micron...|Read More..